Ask a CLO: How can we work alongside AI?

Ask a CLO: How can we work alongside AI so that it doesn't overtake us as the most effective/efficient learning tool?” - Devin M.

Navigating the AI wave all comes down to balance. We've got to identify the tasks that are bogging us down and see how AI can take on those to let us shine where we matter most. This isn't about pitting humans against machines but rather, using one to uplift the other. Before you get dazzled by the next big thing in tech, take a step back and think: Where can AI really amp up our L&D game?

Think of AI as the ultimate assistant to our L&D work, so we can zero in on creating meaningful learning experiences. We’re talking about using AI to cut the admin fluff – scheduling, sorting data, handling the routine stuff – which lets us dive deep into the craft of learning design, strategy, and that golden human touch. As highlighted in a course by Vanderbilt University on Coursera, titled "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT," the art of crafting precise prompts can drastically enhance the performance of AI in our field. By refining our prompts, we ensure AI delivers tailored and relevant content, making our jobs smoother and our learning interventions more impactful. Remember, it's about quality over quantity, especially with what we feed into these smart systems.

Let's not scatter our energy across every new tool that pops up. As we fine-tune our L&D strategies with AI, let's be selective and strategic. It's tempting to jump on every tech trend, but it's crucial to remember that your time is also an investment. Free tools can be a great asset, but they're only beneficial if we invest the time to learn them properly and align them with our goals. So, take the time to get to know one tool, like ChatGPT, inside out. Then, as you become more confident in using it to its full potential, you can consider expanding your tech stack. (Ross Stevenson has a great course on using ChatGPT for L&D pros.)

Remember, every new piece of technology is an opportunity to enhance our practice, but it's our expertise and strategic thinking that will determine the success of AI in our L&D initiatives. So, go ahead and explore these tools, but do so with a purpose and a plan.

To sum it up, here's what we've got on our AI to-do list:

  1. Get Comfortable with AI: Start with Coursera's course on prompt engineering to learn how to command AI effectively.

  2. Align AI with Our Processes: Before introducing a new tool, make sure it enhances your existing process and adds real value.

  3. Be a Smart Tech Shopper: Focus on mastering one AI tool before adding more to your stack. This way, you ensure each tool has a clear purpose and place in your strategy.

Looking forward to hearing how you dive in, learn, experiment, and lead the way in integrating AI into L&D.


Looking for additional support in creating a strategy to partner with AI? Here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Book a 90-minute Strategy Session: Need to pick a CLO’s brain? In this 90-minute strategy session you’ll have the opportunity to workshop any learning challenge or idea with a seasoned Learning Strategist.

  2. Hire a Fractional CLO: Ready to build out a modern L&D strategy aligned with organizational goals? Your Good Learning Fractional CLO will provide you with:

    • Up to 20 hours per week of their dedicated time

    • Advisement on corporate learning strategy, scientific methods, instructional strategies, and learning technologies

    • Building and structuring L&D team and capabilities in alignment with business goals


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