Ask a CLO: How can we ride the AI wave in 2024?

Ask a CLO: What are the top skills for 2024 to best position ourselves for the AI wave in L&D?” - Audrey S.

As we ride the crest of the AI wave transforming learning and development, staying ahead means evolving with the tide. Here's how you can position yourself to not only survive but thrive in the AI-augmented landscape of 2024.

 Strategic Consulting & Thinking: In a world where AI handles routine tasks, the ability to provide strategic insight becomes priceless. Hone your consulting skills to advise on complex L&D initiatives that align with business objectives. Cultivate critical thinking to evaluate the effectiveness of AI tools and integration into learning strategies.

Mastering Rapid Prototyping and Curation: With AI churning out content, the expertise to curate and rapidly prototype meaningful learning experiences will be in high demand. Sharpen your skills in selecting and assembling the most relevant AI-generated content to create impactful learning paths.

Fostering Relationships: AI may change how we learn, but it can't replace the human element of relationship-building. Strengthen your ability to connect with stakeholders, understand their unique needs, and influence decision-making.

Critical Problem-Solving: Prepare to tackle complex challenges by enhancing your problem-solving abilities. As AI introduces new variables into the L&D equation, your capacity to think on your feet and provide creative solutions will set you apart.

Efficiency in Practice: Embrace AI's potential to streamline operations, making time for what humans do best — innovate and relate. Reflect on how AI can free you up from administrative burdens, allowing more room for these higher-level functions.

Using AI in 2024 TL&DR:

  1. AI as a Partner: View AI as a collaborative partner that can amplify your capabilities, not as a competitor. This mindset will empower you to leverage AI tools to their fullest potential.

  2. Agility in Learning: Stay agile with continuous learning. Commit to understanding emerging AI technologies and be prepared to adapt your strategies quickly.

  3. Focus on Human Skills: As AI takes over more technical tasks, soft skills like empathy, leadership, and interpersonal communication become your superpower.

Where to start on your 2024 AI journey:

  1. Engage with AI: Start working with AI-powered tools now. Familiarize yourself with their capabilities to seamlessly integrate them into your work.

  2. Upskill Strategically: Identify gaps in your current skill set and seek out opportunities for upskilling, especially in areas where AI's reach is growing.

  3. Build a Learning Community: Create or join a community of practice focused on AI in L&D to stay updated on best practices and innovative uses of AI in the field.

Together, we can redefine the L&D landscape by harnessing the power of AI to create more effective, personalized, and dynamic learning experiences.

Looking for additional support in creating a fostering a well-rounded learning strategy inclusive of AI? Here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Book a 90-minute Strategy Session: Need to pick a CLO’s brain? In this 90-minute strategy session you’ll have the opportunity to workshop any learning challenge or idea with a seasoned Learning Strategist.

  2. Hire a Fractional CLO: Ready to build out a modern L&D strategy aligned with organizational goals? Your Good Learning Fractional CLO will provide you with:

    • Up to 20 hours per week of their dedicated time

    • Advisement on corporate learning strategy, scientific methods, instructional strategies, and learning technologies

    • Building and structuring L&D team and capabilities in alignment with business goals


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