Training Leaders to Lead with Impact with Megan Galloway

Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

In this episode of our podcast, we gather around the warmth of shared knowledge with Megan, Founder of Everleader. Megan opened up about her current project: an ambitious learning intervention designed to complement a pharmaceutical company's revamped performance management strategy.

Tackling Feedback Culture in the Corporate World

Megan and I explored the rocky terrain companies face when fostering a constructive feedback culture. The challenge isn't just about embracing digital tools but also about nurturing an environment where training and best practices are paramount. We delved into the "match" framework Megan employs, focusing on measuring impact, assessing leadership, and equipping them with the skills to lead effectively.

A Program That Resonates with Real Change

The learning program we discussed isn't your standard training regimen. It's an immersive 12-week journey supported by coaching and continual learning reinforcements. Through live virtual sessions, carefully timed content, practical challenges, and peer coaching, Megan's strategy is about making learning stick long after the sessions end.

Soft Skills in a Supportive Atmosphere

We also touched upon the significance of developing soft skills within a nurturing environment. Megan's program is tailored to help individuals blossom safely, fostering personal growth and the kind of soft skills that can transform an organization's culture.

From Learning Programs to Literary Insights

The conversation took an exciting turn as we discussed Megan's forthcoming book on the power of feedback culture. This work promises to delve into the direct correlation between leadership well-being and organizational health, offering readers a blueprint for enacting meaningful change in their companies.

Kindle the Spirit of Learning in Your Organization

If you're intrigued by the possibility of enriching your company's learning culture, stay tuned for more insights from Megan's journey. As you wait for her book, ask yourself: How can you create learning experiences that ignite a passion for growth in your organization? For a masterclass in crafting impactful learning interventions, make sure to listen to our full conversation with Megan. Let's start building a culture of feedback that not only enlightens but also energizes your entire company.


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