Ask a CLO: How do we keep up with external speakers?

Ask a CLO: “The company employees are more interested in attending the L&D events from the external speakers rather than internal L&D team — how do we keep up?” - Veronika L

Sometimes, external speakers, SMEs, and non L&D leaders steal the show, and guess what? That's perfectly okay. In fact, it's more than okay; it's an opportunity for us to blend external expertise with our internal efforts, enriching our L&D programs. If our employees are buzzing about guest speakers, it's a sign we're curating the right kind of learning experiences that capture their interest. So why not join in the applause and take pride in the diverse learning tapestry we're weaving?

Understanding why external programs resonate can also sharpen our internal offerings. Are these speakers covering topics with a particular zest that we haven't tapped into yet? Or presenting with a style that we can learn from? These insights don't spell out competition; they outline a curriculum for our own development. And remember, learning is a vast domain – no one person or team can cover it all, nor should they. Our goal is to serve our organization's learning needs, not monopolize them.

When external speakers come into the spotlight, it frees us to focus on what we excel at: understanding our company's unique culture and designing tailored learning experiences that speak directly to our specific challenges and opportunities. It allows us to concentrate on deepening our expertise where it matters most, creating a solid foundation that external perspectives can build upon.

Here's how we can continue to foster a holistic learning environment, even when the spotlight isn't on us:

  1. Celebrate the Wins: Cheer on the success of external sessions as victories for our broader educational goals.

  2. Learn and Adapt: Extract the elements that make external talks successful and weave them into our fabric of L&D strategies.

  3. Focus on Curation: Position ourselves as connoisseurs of quality content, regardless of where it comes from, ensuring a balanced diet of learning for our employees.

  4. Highlight Our Strengths: Double down on delivering personalized, culture-specific training that external partners can't replicate.

By shifting from sole providers to strategic enablers, we ensure that our L&D initiatives are as dynamic and multifaceted as the learning landscape demands. 

So let's not worry about being outshone. Instead, let's light up our organization with the best learning opportunities from within and beyond our walls.

Looking for additional support in creating a fostering a well-rounded learning strategy? Here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Book a 90-minute Strategy Session: Need to pick a CLO's brain? In this 90-minute strategy session you'll have the opportunity to workshop any learning challenge or idea with a seasoned Learning Strategist.

  2. Hire a Fractional CLO: Ready to build out a modern L&D strategy aligned with organizational goals? Your Good Learning Fractional CLO will provide you with:

    • Up to 20 hours per week of their dedicated time

    • Advisement on corporate learning strategy, scientific methods, instructional strategies, and learning technologies

    • Building and structuring L&D team and capabilities in alignment with business goals


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